Friday, December 21, 2007

And the Stockings Were Hung...

by the DVD rack with care...

Ahhh... the creativity of where to put things when you live in an apartment and get pressed for space at Christmas.


Sondra said...

hehe! Darn those fireplace-less apartments.

Jenn said...

I don't have even one decoration up this year. We thought we were moving across the country so we gave everything away and then the plan to move fell through...I thought we'd wait to get more stuff until we have a new house (hopefully by spring). I guess my point is, you're still doing better than I am even if you don't have a fireplace!! :)
Cute stockings! :)

Katherine said...

So true, in my 1st apartment the stockings were hung from my bookshelf.

The fireplace comment made me laugh because where I live (London Ontario) I have not once seen an apartment with a fireplace. But then my husband and I went to visit my brother in Winnipeg, and every single apartment we went to had a fireplace! We were completely blown away by that.