Saturday, December 29, 2007

So this was Boxing Day with my family (yes it's a couple days late-again...)

This is my Mom opening her BIG gift with help from my oldest neice.
Her reaction when she realized what it was. For years she has said that she would like a Val D'Or covered vegetable dish to match her china. So this year we all chipped in and found one for her.
My youngest neice deciding that wrapping paper makes a good hair accessory.
Both of the neices opening a gift together. You can see my Dad trying to avoid getting his picture taken in the background-in every photo he either has his hand in front of his face or else he was purposefully closing his eyes.
Very annoying!
You can tell she's related-CHOCOLATE!!!!!!
I love this one of my youngest neice reaching into the bottom of her stocking for that last gift.


Carol-Ann said...

I love the picture of your Mom opening her gift! THAT'S Christmas right there!

Sondra said...


And your nieces look like twins. I thought they were the same girl at first.

Jenn M said...

Great expression on your mom's face! You definitely captured the moment!!!

And your nieces are adorable!!

Lorelei said...

Great shots!

Happy holidays!