Sunday, February 10, 2008

Windy Day at the Beach.

Sorry that these are a bit later being posted, and there are more to come still, as I took them on Friday. It was very windy so we went down to the beach to see if there were some interesting waves crashing on the beach.

Well this wasn't the best idea for a couple reasons.

The first is that it was so windy that I kept getting pushed around. When I got home there were very few usable shots as most were too blurry from my moving in the wind.

The second is that we were getting blasted with salt-water spray. Probably not good for the camera (or our car either). I was also not the biggest fan of it in my mouth and eyes.

The last reason why this wasn't the best day to go shooting photos is that we got stuck in a downpour and were soaking wet by the time we walked back to the car. Not good on so many levels.

This has re-affirmed my decision that at some point I would like to get a smaller point and shoot camera-and for around here, preferably somthing a bit more rain and weather proof.

I like this one-even if it's not 100% in focus. I guess it makes the waves look like they have a bit more motion to them. I also like how the rock on the righ-hand side looks like a face. Made me smile when I first saw it on the computer.
There are more coming from my mis-adventure-hopefully tomorrow. I know. Famous last words...


Jenn M said...

i like it slightly out of focus too! It shows how windy and stormy the ocean was!! :)

Jenn said...

I like it *because* it's slightly out of focus!! It's beautiful!

Katherine said...

I think it's great!