This log with the smiling face is something that Pete saw. I asked him if he would like to take the picture and he was very excited to take a picture with my camera. We took it doing 'hand-over-hand' (he held the camera and I put my hands over his to help him take the shot). Unfortunately it is a bit blurry but Pete was hoping that I would post it so everyone could see his photo.

Moss on a tree branch.
OOOO I love moss on a tree branch. Gorgeous green color!
I hope you have a great trip with them!!!
The moss on the tree one is so interesting... like it looks like you could see something in it, like when you say "this cloud looks like a.."
I see a Kangaroo. lol.
Oh wow, the third one down! It's beautiful, it reminds me of an enchanted forest.
Have a great a time with your clients, you seem to really love your job (I admire that :D) I love the smily face, tell Pete "great work :D"
I also love the third one of the tree trunks. It's hard to say why precisely but I love the stillness and it looks so peaceful. Almost like it's not real :)
They're all great though!
The moss one is awesome!
the color is amazing!
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