Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Big Shave

So yesterday I spent about two hours scrubbing out our bathroom. So what does that mean? Yes! As soon as everything is clean, Chris realizes he needs to shave.

Say good-bye to the clean bathroom...


Christy said...

I hate that! DH has to clean up after himself or else i get mighty cranky!

vivi's mom said...

How conviniant! grrr :P

Jenn said...

Thank goodness I'm not the only wife who complains about this.....
Does Chris know you posted those pics of him ?!?!? :) :)

Callista said...

James uses Lush shaving gel, its clear and thin so no white mousy messy...but still he does not always rinse out the little hairs grrr! BOYS :P Cute pics! Looks like you were in hiding snapping them up!

Jenn M said...

that is so my luck!!