Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Today I was downtown, well the outskirts anyways, and walked through Pioneer Park. This is the oldest cemetary in town for the early British immigrants. I was a bit shocked by the state of disrepair that many of the monuments are in today.

I took a fair amount of photos and will be posting them over the next few days.

This is the top of a monument. I couldn't make out any of the writing to tell you much about it. I was attracted to the cherub angel faces that are carved into it.


Jenn M said...

I always find it sad when gravesites aren't taken care of. It's really quite tragic cause a significant portion of the population ends up there eventually (less the people who get cremated)

But back to the pictures - they're great! I love the detailing in the first one. I keep coming back to it. It just speaks to me :)

Jenn said...

I always find these places so fascinating to go much history. I really like the detail of them all!

katei371 said...

Very haunting. I love the perspective of your pictures.