Monday, May 5, 2008

Crazy Animals

Well I've run into a few strange and crazy animals over the last few days.

First there was the seagull that perched itself on our windshield wipers while we were eating dinner in the car before a movie. As if those claws weren't enough, it kept trying to peck at us through the windshield. And then it opened its wings full width-at which point we decided to close the side windows.

I know the colour isn't the best but I guess it's not too bad from shooting through the windowshield, avoiding a red reflection from our car on the seagull's belly, and not having my camera. I gave Chris an Olympus SW 850 for his birthday so I was giving it a bit of a test drive that night.

And then there was the crazy bunny.

I was crouching on the ground and it came up to me, perched on it's hind legs, made its ears go all crazy and then stuck it's tongue out at me!

The peacocks might not have been crazy but I loved that I caught them with their feathers on display-even if it's shot with Chris' camera through a chain-link fence.


Callista said...

That is why I am terrified of birds! Seriously I can't believe that happened

M.R. said...


pic 2 is absolutely frightening.

geesh. I think I'd piss my pants if a bird was accosting me like that.

Alycia Hildebrand said...

If a bird EVER did that to me, the 3 choices that I have...
#1. I'd scream and most likely shatter the glass, thus the bird attacking me
#2. I'd turn the windshield wipers on (i've always wanted to do that to birds)
#3. Never go out in public with birds again!

Aside from that...great shots! The peacock one is my favorite!

Anonymous said...

What's with all the crazy bird pics.

I'm glad you survived your close encounter :)

Katherine said...

Woah...that bird...I may have nightmares tonight. And the bunny story made me laugh!

Jenn said...

Tee hee.....I actually think the bird pics are think my snake stories are bad...wait 'til I tell you about our pet turkey (again, from when I was kid; did I mention I'm a country kid?!?!)!!