Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My Neices Birthday

So these pictures are a bit older but I just never got around to posting some (oops!). They are some photos I took during my neices birthday in August. We were at my Dad's extended care facility for our family party. The girls were getting bored inside so Chris and I took them outside to the playground that is there. Then we decided to try our hands at basketball...

Alycia loving the swings.

Malena getting into the swing action.

Alycia. The dresses that they are wearing are ones that my Grandma hand smocked for my sister and myself when we were their age.

Alycia peeking out over the top of the climbing platform.

Alycia walking through the flower gardens. I think she was trying to find Chris and Malena as they were playing "Monsters".

Malena just loved these lizard-eye glasses that my Mom gave her.

Chris and Malena playing "Monsters". Other than making faces, holding your hands in weird positions and stomping around, I'm not sure what exactly this game entailed-but they had fun.

Malena practicing her jump shot.

And getting her first basket ever!

Alycia trying to get the hang of dribbling.

Chris getting into the basketball action too.

Malena taking a breather. Gotta love the classy way to sit in a dress.


Jenn said...

She looks like a fun little girl to hang out with! I love the action shots!!

Jenn M said...

Great shots! I love when shots have the feeling of just captured moments!