Friday, November 30, 2007

The Colourless Day

Today I am using a variety of photos that I have taken over the last six days and have tried my hand at turning them into either sepia or black and white. I did use all new photos so there shouldn't be anything that you've already seen-although one or two may be the same subject but from a different angle.

As this is something that I don't feel that I still get quite right, any ideas for improvement would be greatly appreciated! Thanks !!

This is the fountain that was in the background from my duck pictures on Tuesday. In the top left corner, there is a bit of the stone bridge that goes across Goodacre Lake. The bride is 125 years old and is one of the original features from when Beacon Hill Park was first designed.
A tree branch hanging over the same lake.
The Mungo Martin David Martin, and Henry Hunt Totem Pole in Beacon Hill Park. It was errected in 1956 to commerate the contributions of Canada's First Nations in WWI and WWII. It is also the tallest totem pole that is carved from a single tree (127 feet 7 inches tall).
This is from our trek from last Sunday to Goldstream Park for the Salmon Run. I thought that the B&W in this one really managed to show off the fern leaf well.
This is also from Goldstream. It is a new branch just starting to grow out of a tree trunk.
This seagull perched on the fallen trunk to me, just did not look very impressed to be standing there and having his picture taken.


Carol-Ann said...

I really love the fern leaf picture!

Jenn M said...

i also really love the fern leaf picture :)

and I think you did a pretty good job on B/W and sepia! :) How were you doing it (what was your process/program?)

Theresa T said...

Well I don't have photoshop so I am limited to using the software that came with the camera. I also have the basic asdcee7 but I always forget to try it to see what it does...

Lorelei said...

I agree with the fern leaf picture though they're all nice!

I think you did a great job with them all.

I have PSP and I love playing with it!