Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday Morning


As you may recall, I am so not a snow person. So needless to say, I was not too happy to wake up this morning and open the curtains and see white stuff falling from the sky. Blech!

This was the view from our living room door. I love that the elderly woman who lives next door has her 'young' son-who is probably somewhere in his 60s-decorate the outdoor tree every year. It's always my sign to get going on my Christmas baking and a hint to think about putting up my tree (which I still have no intention of doing until next week-end at the earliest).
We had morning visitors looking for food this morning. The deer on the bottom was very fast and was not in the mood for posing for me.
This one was not so camera shy. I've been watching him all year and this is the first time that I've been able to get a picture with his-at least I believe it's a him-developing antlers. I felt like he was staring me down while I was shooting him.

1 comment:

Jenn M said...

oh wow! gorgeous shots Theresa! I love the last one. He looks as fascinated with you and you were with him :)