Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Eagles-and a Baby Seagull

When we decided to go out to Goldstream the other day, our main purpose was to go Bald Eagle spotting. While we msised the shot of an Eagle attacking a Seagull, I did manage to get a few shots.

This one is a bit harder to see but near the middle of the shot, you can see the Eagles black outline against the trees.
Soaring above the trees.
Flying against the backdrop of Mt. Finlayson.
This Seagull was a lot smaller than the other seagulls that were around the river bank. It was pretty funny to watch him in the shallower water edge. You could see him walking along the water (the water came right up to his belly) as he was scouting for food. Then the next minute he would flap his legs very vigourisly trying to swim against the current.
I love that you can see his little feet walking under the water in this shot while he is looking for his next snack.


Jenn said...

I've never seen an eagle outside of captivity! It must be spectacular!

Carol-Ann said...

those shots are awesome!!!
and more birds yay !
love them