Sunday, January 20, 2008

Up, Up and Away...

Chris and I went to Goldstream Park today. Nice little stroll in the blowing wind-in fact a very large tree branch fell down from a tree right behind us and missed hitting us in the head by a matter of a few feet!

While there I saw a Blue Heron (at least that's what I think it is). In the series of five shots you can see it locate some food and swoop down for the attack.


M.R. said...


what's with everyone and birds lately.

If I was there I would have screamed.

Jenn said...

Yes it is, in fact, a blue heron. I think they're all great shots but I especially like the fourth one where he's taking off and gliding....beautiful!

Jenn M said...

oooooooooooo gorgeous! There were some that used to fish near our cottage in NS. Totally reminded me of home! Gorgeous shots!

vivi's mom said...

Great shots! I also like the flying one!

Sondra said...

Really pretty!

(lol Misty!)