So I came up with the idea of going to Gowlland Tod Provincial Park. Tall trees=a lot of shade and it beats staying home all day. The park used to be the Victoria Portland Cement Factory (1904-1920) and there are a lot of ruins from the factory in the park (more great photos of these are coming).
But I am a klutz. Just as we were nearing where we were stopping for lunch, I could hear the Snowbirds getting near us. So we started to look up to try to find them. They flew right over our heads and in my quest to get some photos (they were still quite low because the airport wasn't that far from us and they would have been great photos), I lost track of where I was on the trail and, well basically, fell off the side of the trail and down an embankement. Oops.
Luckily I saved the camera (again), and only have a bit of road rash on my right leg and rolled my ankle a bit. I am glad that my ankle didn't start to really hurt until later that night so I was able to get back to the car with no problems.
So on to the photos.
Looking up the trees.

It looks gorgeous! Great shots!!
ooooh - I love your pier photos!
I already commented on some of these on facebook but just wanted to say again that I really like these!
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